Sunday, 9 October 2011

Monday 9th Oct - Louisville, Kentucky

Today I drove from Chicago south on Intersate 65 through Indianapolis to Louisville. My room for the night is quite pleasant, but the hotel is a bit formal - e.g. I can't get a drink at the "nightclub" since I only have T-Shirts with me ! The drive was not spectacular scenically - long, flat, dry plains. The bridge in the middle of Louisville was impressive though. Lunch was at a Burger King in the middle of nowhere. No restaurant in this hotel, so I had to nip out to a local supermarket.   

Musically it was a varied day - two hours of the great Van Morrison and "The Story Of Them" for starters. There is some great obscure material on this compilation, including songs like "Friday's Child" which point towards his solo career. Then I had a bit of Tim Buckley - a bit quiet and drifty for bombing down the freeway ! After lunch I had the radio on for a bit - gospel music (well it is a Sunday !), before opting for some rock'n'roll with the Tom Robinson Band. "2-4-6-8 Motorway" is a great driving song, and the political protest material is still relevant today. Shows that the big issues just don't get resolved. Finally I just went with whatever was next on the MP3 player, which was Traffic. Steve Winwood's blasting guitar solo on "Dear Mr. Fantasy" lit up my afternoon. What a genius he is as a singer/guitarist/piano player.

My mood was a bit down today - lots of "where has it all gone wrong ?"-type musings. That was part of the idea of this trip - to get my head straight after a pretty lousy year - but hopefully there won't be much more of it as you don't want to do that too often ! Tomorrow I hit Nashville, where I stop for a day. Then it's Memphis, where it all began - what would my life have been like if Elvis hadn't walked into Sun Studios that day in 1954 ? Can't wait.      

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